“Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words.” Rumi
Bond :
A relationship between two things or situations, especially where one thing affects the other.
We are all intrinsically linked.
Connection, association, relationship, ties, bonds, link.
We see these words daily and as a result, they have become inconsequential and assumed, taken for granted. We did not see this coming. This separation. Nor did we see how it would affect us.
We have gathered since our beginning.
Small communities at first but it was in these small, intimate communities that we first learned to thrive. At the dawn of our existence we quickly realized that we needed each other to continue to exist.
Even then instinctually we knew that we were stronger together then apart.
We are apart now and the space between us is palpable. It carries its own energy.
The air continues to be heavy, we are cautious and rightfully so everything has changed. Yet… connections are still being made and even more than that, cherished.
Every time someone reaches out to me and says” stay safe.” or sends a relatable meme for this current hellish situation, I savor it. There it is ..connection.
Our constant urge to reach out to each other, is the needle joining thread that binds us. This quilt of bonds and relationship that we weave together is “the fabric of our lives”. After so long in lock down I have come to realize each stitch takes effort and the fabric is fragile, there has been so much superficial bonding in recent years that most of us have forgotten how to stitch, our fingers are stiff and not as nibble especially when handing such delicate material as true human connection. Admit it most of us are here just for the numbing content.
It is my hope that this is shifting for all of us. That as we come out of the fog of the last two years the connection and the communities that join us together would become sacred.
I don’t think there is a single person who hasn’t felt the effects of this isolation and deep within their souls reflected on how different their new normal will be.
Even the most introverted individual enjoys human interaction albeit from a distance. There is an energetic pulse to people gathered in a space, moving around a city or town. People bring the brick and mortar of buildings to life.
We are the energy.
We must continuously remind ourselves that our relationships are delicate and precious, we must relearn how to handle our connections, our bonds and communities with love and care.
Our objective now more than ever, is just as it was in the beginning… to connect. To stay together, to relate to one another especially when things are at their bleakest. Whatever differences we had before they are inconsequential now. We are bigger than that which once separated us, the need to be in connection with our neighbor, friend, sister, our community takes over.
Have hope my friends for it is our innate ability to adapt that has safeguarded our survival and we are resilient. We may be remote (remote learning, remote working, remote dating..) but we are not islands, we are connected like cays along the water, delicately interlinking following the links and vibrations of hope that leads us to each other.